Friday, December 9, 2016

i always thought the chinese pla officers and soldiers had the most #gaochao uniforms, i have even seen armada espagnol, they have magnifico uniforms, in singapore and india they are gambiramana uniforms, in india we have uttam, atiuttam, bhavyavada, apaaramaaya, chamatkara, shaandaar uniforms too

i always thought the chinese pla officers and soldiers had the most #gaochao uniforms, i have even seen armada espagnol, they have magnifico uniforms, in singapore and india they are gambiramana uniforms, in india we have uttam, atiuttam, bhavyavada, apaaramaaya, chamatkara, shaandaar uniforms too
by Syed Rizwaan Ahamed

December 10, 2016 at 11:27AM
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