Monday, December 26, 2016

next to espresso is capuccino and latte and a tamper - like he has a good tamper and therefore and so forth saheb.. oh those caleban, i have spent many notes with the coffee pullers at alma mater and they made such good designs on capuccino making me look into the overtone of wafting aroma - i am cool to my clay-hearted dressiness - couched in the diydoy art upholstery warming digits by informally holding full hot capuccino closing eyes in pseudo-obliviousness, i never dropped a kerchief not picked my nose - a good coffee makes you forget the agenda of your life for a few precious moments, all the deadlines seem creatively goa - to the seat of niagara in semiformal attire and blowing coffee into every face steadily rise into your storey glancing at the wristwatch trying to do some adjustment with its bezel, blowing hot air raising near and dab-wiping clean with pima cotton 100% shirt saying vanakkam to the new ratna cafe franchisee egging him to feed me with his jhaal muri ( sir we'll make pani poori bhel poori kachori whichever you want, please don't ask for jhaal muri, we have not approval for it from the board, sir, we'll give you mysore masala dosa with either extra sambar or chutney

next to espresso is capuccino and latte and a tamper - like he has a good tamper and therefore and so forth saheb.. oh those caleban, i have spent many notes with the coffee pullers at alma mater and they made such good designs on capuccino making me look into the overtone of wafting aroma - i am cool to my clay-hearted dressiness - couched in the diydoy art upholstery warming digits by informally holding full hot capuccino closing eyes in pseudo-obliviousness, i never dropped a kerchief not picked my nose - a good coffee makes you forget the agenda of your life for a few precious moments, all the deadlines seem creatively goa - to the seat of niagara in semiformal attire and blowing coffee into every face steadily rise into your storey glancing at the wristwatch trying to do some adjustment with its bezel, blowing hot air raising near and dab-wiping clean with pima cotton 100% shirt saying vanakkam to the new ratna cafe franchisee egging him to feed me with his jhaal muri ( sir we'll make pani poori bhel poori kachori whichever you want, please don't ask for jhaal muri, we have not approval for it from the board, sir, we'll give you mysore masala dosa with either extra sambar or chutney
by Syed Rizwaan Ahamed

December 26, 2016 at 03:20PM
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