Saturday, December 3, 2016

doyen of eyecare, i once worked in his supply chain by sourcing equipment and providing technical service. during my time in alma mater one of my family members had a sudden eye ailment and i wanted to go only here, they were closed for the day but we were lucky to have a post graduate trainee from north india attend to us in a reassuring manner trying to speak in good tamil and i tried my hindi with her, the way she looked at me, i became very shy, and now if any north person speaks to me in tamil, i stick to the default option, let them talk, its so good and i can feel it in my soul.. #auraplace #ophthalmology #perimeter #ndyaglaser #specularmicroscope #phacoemulsification #laserassistedinsitukeratomileusis #keratoconus the terms i janked from internet express

doyen of eyecare, i once worked in his supply chain by sourcing equipment and providing technical service. during my time in alma mater one of my family members had a sudden eye ailment and i wanted to go only here, they were closed for the day but we were lucky to have a post graduate trainee from north india attend to us in a reassuring manner trying to speak in good tamil and i tried my hindi with her, the way she looked at me, i became very shy, and now if any north person speaks to me in tamil, i stick to the default option, let them talk, its so good and i can feel it in my soul.. #auraplace #ophthalmology #perimeter #ndyaglaser #specularmicroscope #phacoemulsification #laserassistedinsitukeratomileusis #keratoconus the terms i janked from internet express
by Syed Rizwaan Ahamed

December 03, 2016 at 02:17PM
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