Saturday, January 16, 2016

yesterday on my walk i saw a scooter suddenly stopping in front of me after the rider appeared to briefly bring under control his situation. sensing something i too slowed down and gazed at the scooter. the pillion rider climbed down and went near the rider describing a comic situation or a joke and wanted to go on till he fully explained it. the rider was seen guffawing uncontrollably and berating his pal, "anna, you are telling this as we ride, what if i had fallen down ?" i picked up pace leaving the duo to laugh it out among themselves, stroking the mobile phone in my pocket.

yesterday on my walk i saw a scooter suddenly stopping in front of me after the rider appeared to briefly bring under control his situation. sensing something i too slowed down and gazed at the scooter. the pillion rider climbed down and went near the rider describing a comic situation or a joke and wanted to go on till he fully explained it. the rider was seen guffawing uncontrollably and berating his pal, "anna, you are telling this as we ride, what if i had fallen down ?" i picked up pace leaving the duo to laugh it out among themselves, stroking the mobile phone in my pocket.
by Syed Ahamed

January 17, 2016 at 11:29AM
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