Monday, May 2, 2016

unbelievable! took a bunch of selfies after a long time. last week was quite sobering, physically in a better shape than a few months ago, yet some knots might not go away, not being able to do strength training as i would like to do, walking also much lesser, the walk is now a kind of leisurely dog trot with the curious stop, peek poke and scoot routine, no scent marking though, of course with deliberate hurdling over miniscule walkway obstacles, have to check out on used dumbbells, don't want gym now, however i do believe that it will improve my feelgood factor a couple of notches, don't want to dare this summer, as ever doing self-pioneered brain exercises done out on the park or road, to hone reflexes just like sports but in a different manner, these are inspired by the book : the playful brain: the surprising science of how puzzles improve your mind written by richard restak md and scott kim, more than now these were really important during another time of tests, though i don't recommend it, they amount to coming to grips with your mind process in a possibly funny and rewarding way...

unbelievable! took a bunch of selfies after a long time. last week was quite sobering, physically in a better shape than a few months ago, yet some knots might not go away, not being able to do strength training as i would like to do, walking also much lesser, the walk is now a kind of leisurely dog trot with the curious stop, peek poke and scoot routine, no scent marking though, of course with deliberate hurdling over miniscule walkway obstacles, have to check out on used dumbbells, don't want gym now, however i do believe that it will improve my feelgood factor a couple of notches, don't want to dare this summer, as ever doing self-pioneered brain exercises done out on the park or road, to hone reflexes just like sports but in a different manner, these are inspired by the book : the playful brain: the surprising science of how puzzles improve your mind written by richard restak md and scott kim, more than now these were really important during another time of tests, though i don't recommend it, they amount to coming to grips with your mind process in a possibly funny and rewarding way...
by Syed Rizwaan Ahamed

May 02, 2016 at 09:05PM
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