Wednesday, August 10, 2016 this is a promoted tweet so we have to think about #africa #Zambia i am sure are a lot of govt lawyers are at the moment quite tired owing to the difficulties of helping here, but hey, this is #outreach, President Edgar Lungu of Zambia seen here with presenter Hope Chisala during a HOT FM show in this picture from Lusaka Times. this is a promoted tweet so we have to think about #africa #Zambia i am sure are a lot of govt lawyers are at the moment quite tired owing to the difficulties of helping here, but hey, this is #outreach, President Edgar Lungu of Zambia seen here with presenter Hope Chisala during a HOT FM show in this picture from Lusaka Times.
by Syed Rizwaan Ahamed

August 11, 2016 at 10:24AM
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